Monday, October 10, 2011

Live Band!

The Nebraska Country Music Foundation Band + McKenzie

We just went to Hastings to sing Karaoke tonight for the Nebraska Country Music Foundatiuon Festival at the Hastings VFW.  I didn't plan on singing with a live band but I actually got to.  I sang the song "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry with a backing track and right when we were getting ready to leave because it was getting late and  we had to drive back to Lincoln because I have school in the morning,  was asked by the band if I would like to sing with them.  I said sure!  Let do this.  I was a little nervous, but once the song started I felt right at home and couldn't believe they just learned the song right on the spot...  I am looking forward to practicing with them this week and possibly singing two songs with them during the festival.

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